2016 Wrap Up //

I'll be honest, 2016 has been an awful year of reading for me. I didn't make any personal reading goals, and just as well because I only managed to finish 15 books. All fiction.

5 Strong Female Characters Who Inspire Me Everyday

Everyone strong woman in history has had to walk down a similar path... - Princess Diana

I am always inspired when I see a strong female lead, whether its in literature or TV, that is being celebrated for something more than being beautiful, or a decent love interest. We all love channelling our favourite fictional characters that speak to our souls, or make us want to be better people. These are mine.

5 reasons why being part of the Bookstagram community is awesome


You've probably clicked on this because you're thinking 'What the hell is Bookstagram?!' Don't worry, you are not alone. When I try and describe it to my muggle friends, they also sport a bewildered look (and a little bit of disappointment flashes behind the eyes as well).

VLOG to come soon. Watch this space!

"I love living in the unreality of fantasy" - Q&A with G.R. Thomas, author of urban fantasy novel, Awaken

From a small farm in Melbourne, Austrailia, comes Awaken. A story about a girl named Sophia Woodville, who finds herself in a dangerous new world she was always destined to be a part of. Author and animal lover, G.R. Thomas, talks about her characters and experiences, and gives us a sneaky-peak into much anticipated sequel, Surrender.

#BookTag - 10 Question's About Classic Books

Tagged by: Where There's Ink There's Paper

Review: Colors of Immortality by J.M. Muller // The Reader's Review

Two words: game and changer. There are very few times in my life where I have thought this, but considering my jaw was on the floor for at least the last 30 pages of this novel, I thought it was completely justifiable.

An interview with J.M. Muller, debut author of Colors of Immortality

You know those books that are written in such a way that it makes you feel like you want to know more about the author behind them? Well, that is exactly how I've been feeling whilst reading debut novel Colors of Immortality, so I decided to catch up with author and mother-of-two, J.M. Muller.

Throw yourself into the Netherworlde with Isle of Winds, James Fahy - A Review

Photo by me (Lexi Gagan)

The one thing I hate about most YA novels is that the characters are predictable. They never go outside the box, they never surprise you. I can tell you now, Isle of Winds is not like any YA novel I have ever read before.

Nerdy Bookworm Subscription Box - July Box Review by The Reader's Review

I'm relatively new to the book subscription box experience. I did my research before I decided to invest because a lot of subscription boxes do purely YA and I not only like variety, but YA isn't one of my favourite genres. So, when I came across the Nerdy Bookworm Box, I knew I had found my fit.

The British Collection Kickstarter is official open! Q&A with NovelTea Tins about their new British book inspired tea tins

Artwork by Lily Jones

NovelTea Tins Kickstarter has officially launched! Over 750 backers came together last year to bring about the first collection of book inspired tea tins which have been a huge success. Now, the British are coming, but they need your help to get here. Read all about NovelTea Tins inspiration and processes, and get a sneaky taste of what to expect from The British Collection.

Book inspired tea tin creators 'NovelTea Tins' launch brand new British Collection

A cup of classics, anyone? It seems like a perfectly obvious and sensible concept; a great cup of tea partnered with a great piece of literature, but it wasn't until last year that this was literally made into a realitea (sorry, I had to do it).

Q&A with Daniel Ingram-Brown

Photo by Raj Passy

Today is the official launch of The Nemesis Charm, a captivating young-adult fantasy novel and the second book in the 'Firebird Chronicles' series. This is a conversation with author and playwright Daniel Ingram-Brown - find out more about the man behind the magic.

How To Beat Writer's Block - From The Expert's Themselves

Writer's block can be hard to describe because different people feel it in different ways. Some believe it's just an excuse for lack of productivity, and others have set routines to combat it. Whether it exists or not, we have all experienced the uncomfortable inability to write from time-to-time.

But have no fear, I have compiled a list of top tips off the experts themselves. Say goodbye to that seemingly impenetrable barrier and say hello to creativity.

Review: The Great Gatsby, F.Scott Fitzgerald

'He humanises Gatsby more in a few pages, than we see in the whole novel.'

The Great Gatsby is often dubbed one of the greatest love stories of all time – now I’m not sure what everybody else’s version of love is, but I’ve never read anything more depressing in my life.

The reader behind the review

I'm Lexi, and this is my book blog. In addition to having a degree in journalism, I have worked for several online publications and I also currently work in broadcast media as a radio presenter. I have a passion for writing, photography and literature so that is why I decided to create The Reader's Review.

If you would like to contact me, my email address is: lexigagan@live.co.uk

Feel free to email me for:
- review requests
- interview requests
- blogging questions
- anything else you can think of

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @LexiGagan

Review: The Making of Gabriel Davenport, Beverley Lee

'To say this is Lee’s debut novel, she writes with such authority and plays on all our fears like a puppeteer with silk strings.'

I’m going to start off by telling you that this isn’t my usual type of book. I’m a classics-kind-of-girl, and never thought a book like this could win me over. Oh, how wrong was I. Beverley Lee’s debut novel, The Making of Gabriel Davenport, is a captivating, dark and bewitching story that everyone is going to love.

Review: The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger

'It teaches us that time is infinite, with many great stories to tell in-between, this is just one of them.'

Let’s just say that The Catcher in the Rye wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, however I find it an intriguing and provocative read with important (and sometimes frightening) themes of depression, independence and youthful rebellion at its core.

Five great opening lines in literature

When you open a book and read the first sentence, it sets the precedence for the entire story. So here are my top five favourite opening lines...