Frequently asked questions about being a #bookstagrammer

Most people with an Instagram account like to take photos of their food, their kids, the perfect selfie, gym equipment (because your trip to the gym didn't happen unless there is IG evidence) and basically everything to do with life. Bookstagram is the same, except for us bookworms, books are pretty much 100% of our lives.

Here are some of the most frequent questions I get asked off people who want to set up their own bookstagram feeds.

  • DO I NEED TO POST EVERY DAY TO GET LOTS OF FOLLOWERS  From personal experience, I have noticed a dramatic increase in followers when I started posting on a regular (and by regular I mean daily) basis.
- PRO TIP  If, like me, you work crazy hours then the best tip I can give you is to pick a day each week where you focus on taking a bulk of photos. This way you can post on a daily basis even when you are super busy.

  • DO I NEED TO FOLLOW A THEME There are a few opinions on this one. A lot of the bigger bookstagram accounts have very precise and consistent themes. For me, a strict theme doesn't work as I feel like it limits my creative reach. Sometimes I like cluttered and colourful, other times I like simple and pretty. It just depends how I am feeling.
 - PRO TIP  If you are having fun, then it's working for you. If sticking to a theme actually helps you get the creative juices flowing then go for it. But don't feel pressured to stick to the same old if you fancy stepping out of the box.

A photo posted by Lexi Gagan 💁🏻 (@lexigagan) on

  • IS A BOOKSTAGRAM A GOOD WAY OF RECEIVING FREE BOOKS No, no and NO. If you are getting into bookstagramming in order to receive free books, you are getting into it for all the wrong reasons, and I can guarantee that your followers/potential followers will see right through this.
- PRO TIP Never ever EVER ask an author or a publisher for a free ANYTHING. Unless you are responding to an offer, it's completely inappropriate to expect to receive someone's life work for free. It's imperative to support new authors, not exploit them.

  •  CAN I STILL POST PHOTOS OF MY PERSONAL LIFE  Absolutely. I have other passions besides books (believe it or not) and I love being able to incorporate them with my bookstagram. You will be surprised how diverse the book community is. My feed mostly consists of books, coffee and Chanel - which quite frankly is the best kind of feed in my very biased opinion.
- PRO TIP Unlike other 'lifestyle' bloggers, bookstagrammers actually enjoy it when they get to know the person behind the beautiful account. If you want to post a soppy photo about your dog, go for it. We will still be there.

  • DO YOU NEED TO USE A PROFESSIONAL CAMERA TO GET A LOT OF LIKES Nope. I won't lie to you, using a decent camera will improve the depth in your photos and will also give your photos a sharp edge. However a smart phone will work just as well, and sometimes they are even BETTER because you can take photos when you are out and about.
- PRO TIP Always take a book out with you. That way you can capture a spontaneous photo when the lighting is just perfect.

 DO YOU HAVE A BOOKSTAGRAM?! Let's connect over on IG. Send me your name, or add me @LexiGagan. If you have any additional questions, or are thinking of starting your own bookstagram, feel free to send me a message.


  1. It's great to know your tips Lexi!!!X

    1. If they help anyone, then brilliant! Thank you for taking the time to read :)
